I’m not sure if the media I want to use in my project meets your copyright guidelines, what should I do?
We will refer to Stanford’s fair use and copyright when we have questions.
I’m interested in helping judge, but I don’t want to affect my student submissions, what should I do?
Email billeen.carlson@aste.org. The iDidaContest Chair will put you in a different contest or age category than your students, if needed. We love having good judges.
Do all the photos need to have been taken in Alaska?
Since this is an Alaskan contest, one would assume they were taken in Alaska. However, since some of our contests have additional categories outside of “Alaska Life” it is conceivable other photos may be taken outside Alaska.
Do all the photos need to have been taken within the last year?
It is our expectation that all photos were taken within the last 12 months.
Does ASTE give anyone else permission to view my entries?
Yes. Many winning entries are posted on the iDidaContest website for others to view. In addition, we reserve the right to share them with other educational groups to help promote educational endeavors. ASTE will not sell iDidaContest entries for financial gain.
Can an ASTE Member sponsor more than one student?
Yes, and sponsors do not even have to reside in the same school. Our goal is not to limit a student’s creativity because of membership, but rather give students every opportunity to enter the contest.
Are rubrics available so we can see how our entries will be judged?
Rubrics can be found through the iDidaContest website or the link here.
I am concerned about how the oldest person on the team sets the age bracket for an entry. What about SPED Students?
In the upload form is a new field that allows an explanation to be entered about a student’s work. With the information provided judges to determine if the assistance offered can be allowed.
Who will be judging my student’s work?
Over the past few years ASTE has recruited nearly 40 teachers in all context areas and grade levels to judge the various contests. We’ve provided judges with training on how to use our system and rubrics to standardize responses. Our goal is to have each entry judged by at least 2 judges. With our online system teachers can do this from the comfort of their own home or classroom. Following this judging, the top scores are brought before a live panel of ASTE board members who validate each winner and make the final determination.
Can I register for the iDidaContest and upload my student’s media for them?
Yes. With submittable.com, you can enter for your students. You can enter up to three entries to each category. However, we would encourage you to enter only the best work from your students and classroom. Some districts even have a district contest and only submit the top winners from that contest.
If my students (or myself) can’t make it to the awards night, can we still participate somehow?
Yes. If you know someone attending have them set up a Skype or FaceTime video call to you. Prizes will be mailed to the winners if they are not picked up at the ASTE conference.
When is the contest deadline?
The contest deadline is January 31st @ 12:00 midnight for all contests.
My membership was good last year but I won’t be able to come to ASTE this year. Can I still be a sponsor?
Yes. We will allow you to sponsor your students until the end of this year’s contest.
Still have questions?
Send them to us on our iDidaContest questions form.